AuThursday – Kara O’Neal

Kara (1 of 1)Please welcome my fellow Resplendence writer,  Kara O’Neal, to the Clog Blog.  Kara,  How long have you been writing?

I wrote my first novel when I was pregnant with my oldest child, so I’ve been writing almost sixteen years.

Q:  Do you have a specific writing style?

I’m not really sure. I write where the characters take me. Sometimes I’m more descriptive than usual or sometimes I find I’m writing wittier conversations. I never know what’s gonna end up on the page.

Q : Do you ever suffer from writer’s block?

So far I haven’t faced that terrible situation. I’m sure I will, but right now I’m lucky to have created a town that has a variety of characters. These people keep leading me down roads that allow my imagination to run free. It’s been a lot of fun!

Q: How did you deal with rejection letters, if you received any?

I received several rejections. The first was hard, and the next dozen or so were even harder. I didn’t know what I was doing wrong, and I couldn’t figure out how to fix it. I’m sad to say I did stop sending my manuscript to people. I didn’t quit writing, but I did quit trying to get published. It was hard to keep submitting when I felt like I was sending out poor material. I finally started entering contests and the suggestions, comments, etc. I received helped a lot. I also found a critique group, which was the scariest thing I’d ever done, but it paid off. I became a better writer because of these things, and it only took one year for me to find a publisher who liked my work.

Q:  Would you tell us your story of getting “the call?”

Oh, what a day that was! When I read the email from Resplendence Publishing indicating they wanted me, me, to write for them, I promise I sat in silence for probably thirty seconds and blinked at the screen. Then I rushed to my husband and made him come read it. I was so afraid I was misinterpreting the communication. When it finally sank in, I called my siblings first. They are my inspirations and my biggest fans. Then I called my parents, and made my dad promise he wouldn’t ever read any of my books. They are romance, after all! (He has completely ignored my command and read every single one of my books.)

Q:  How did you come up with the idea for the PIKES RUN series?

TRR The Sheriff's Gift

TRR CowboysCharmsTRR MillerBridesSaving Sarah TRR





I wanted to write stories about a family. One that lived, laughed and loved as mine does. Several of my characters are based off of people I know, and they are perfect models for the Lonnigan and Davis families. Many of my favorite scenes are when they’re sharing a Sunday meal and teasing each other.

Q: To date which of your books was the hardest to write and why?TRR Welcome Home

Without a doubt the hardest to write was my first, Welcome Home, simply because it was my first. I was trying to figure out how to write along with finding my voice. I can tell you it was difficult, but I kept writing. And rewriting. And rewriting some more.

Q:  What are your current projects?

I’m about to send book seven, Love’s Redemption, to my editor and book eight, The Editor’s Kisses, is going through the critique process. I’ll start book nine, The Ranger’s Vow, this week.

Q:  Where can readers find you on the World Wide Web?

Many places!

My website:

My facebook page:



Barnes and Noble:’neal?_requestid=845025


Join me on Saturday when we read a sexy teaser from Kara’s book Love’s Promise. ~Tina

24 comments on “AuThursday – Kara O’Neal

  1. Jennifer Egan says:

    Thank you for allowing readers to learn more about this favulous author!


  2. Kristen Golla says:

    I’ve read most of her books. In fact my book club is reading The Miller Brides this year! We wanted something fun and romantic this summer. I like her characters so much.


  3. A huge thank you to Ms. Holland for hosting me. I have enjoyed every moment of it!


  4. pamelasthibodeaux says:

    What a wonderful interview Kara! Love finding out more about fellow authors. Love the Pike’s Run books too!

    Good luck and God’s blessings.


  5. Great interview! Enjoy the success of your writing journey.


  6. Karen Hesterwerth says:

    Great interview. It is always fun to learn how authors dream up their stories. I have read most of the Pike’s Run series and have enjoyed them all. Love’s Promise was wonderful, especially Clara. Can’t wait to read the next installment!


  7. Alicia Dean says:

    Enjoyed the interview…and the series sounds great. Best of luck!


  8. Anne Margaret Gomez says:

    Each one keeps getting better and better!! The characters are so real; It’s so easy to love, hate, or laugh with them! Great series.


  9. Michele says:

    Loved the interview! She is so honest with her stories about how she got started and where she wants to go with the Pikes Run Series. I am not a romance novel reader and I have loved every ONE of these books. They are fun to read and I agree with an earlier comment that they just keep getting better and better!!!! Go, Kara!!!!!


  10. Fun interview, Kara! Loved your story of “the call.” 🙂


  11. I can’t wait to read these books! I love stories that involve family relationships. And it’s so cool that you base them on your own family. They sound like they are awesome and so supportive! Best wishes in all you do!


  12. Diane Burton says:

    Enjoyed getting to know you better, Kara. Best wishes.


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