For Writers


Non-fiction For Writers

Tina fnlAbout the Book
Finding Your Path to Publishing is a book designed to help authors find a home for their work. Whether that is to find an agent and get a New York Contract, or to Indie Publish your works, every path is different. This book will help you find the right path for you.
Questions about your process and style will guide you to help make the best decision for your project and you as a writer.
The first time I met author Tina Holland, she asked me what I was doing as an author. She shared a genuine interest in my success and gave me several suggestions that I incorporated into my plans, which ultimately resulted in Rachel Wilder and I being offered our first publishing contract.
Tina’s passion for writing is second only to her passion for helping other writers succeed, to truly pay it forward in the writing world in a way that enriches and lifts up the people who come in contact with her. I first took her FEARS workshop, which stands for Finish, Edit, Analyze, Research, and Submit, several years ago and loved every minute of it. She makes what can be a bewildering array of options and tasks seem doable. She creates a clear path forward, whatever the writer’s ultimate goal – to land a “New York contract,” find an agent, publish with a small press, “Indie pub,” or blog.
I’m as excited about Finding Your Path to Publishing as I was when I first met Tina, because it does exactly what the title promises: guides you, teaches you, inspires you, to find your path.
~ A. Catherine Noon, Author
Founder of Writer Zen Garden


I can not express how important it is to be part of a writing group either locally or online.  Here are some online groups I’m a member of: 

Romance Divas

Savvy Authors

Writer Zen Garden

There are also these other Groups if you don’t write in the Romance Genre:

Horror Writers Association

Mystery Writers of America

Science Fiction Writers of America

The Authors Guild




I currently run a First Friday Lunch on my YouTube channel where I talk about Writing and Publishing on the first Friday of the Month.   If you are interested in watching go ahead and click the picture to the left and you can watch the older videos.   

Subscribe to my channel to be reminded when the new topic is up. 




For Published Authors

If you are a published author and would like to be interviewed on my blog for AuThrusday’s  please fill out this form.  If you have a release coming out that you would like spotlighted on Saturday, Contact me.












