Just Romance Me- Sizzling Summer Blog Post

Sizzling Summer

I can’t believe it’s already August. Seem’s like Summer has just flown by. It saddens me to see the School Supplies stocking department stores. 😦

I’ve been working on a new novel set in a Steampunk World – which I’m totally loving.

I’m also a huge fan of Kristen Callahan’s Darkest London Series, as well as Bec McMaster’s Steampunk London series and have found them to be great summer reading.

I tend to use Summer as my exploratory reading phase for both fiction and non-fiction.

So what wonderful stories have you found this summer?

14 comments on “Just Romance Me- Sizzling Summer Blog Post

  1. jmesparza821 says:

    I have been reading a lot of paranormal romances the latest one I read was Wicked Magic by Madeline Pryce. Thanks for being a part of this FAB blog hop.

    jmesparza821 at gmail dot com


  2. Shelly Hammond says:

    Hmm, so far this summer I’ve read a variety of books of all different types. The last one I read was a full on fantasy book. If I had to pick one that I enjoyed the most so far this summer I would probably go with the Ferryman and the Flame series. It’s just a good blend of a few different styles of story.

    Enjoy the rest of the summer! I’m going to be checking back for updates on the new novel you’re working on set in the steampunk world! It sounds intriguing already just from the itty bitty info about it!

    Have a good one everybody!

    Shelly H


  3. BookAttict says:

    I’m reading the Conner Grey series by Mark Del Franco (I’m on book 4 of 6) — although I am taking a break while reading new releases from a couple of my favorite series — Cast in Flame by Michelle Sagara (Chronicles of Elantra series) and Magic Breaks by Ilona Andrews (Kate Daniels series).

    Thanks for the amazing giveaway!
    elizabeth @ bookattict . com


  4. Wishing you tons of success with this hop!


  5. Cindy Hazelwood says:

    I am read Lynsay Sands To Marry a Scottish Laird. I seem to be in Scottish phase.


  6. Samantha Hodges says:

    I just finished reading The Avery’s of Willow Creek boxset by Lily Graison. Was really great.


  7. JoAnna B says:

    I have been reading Sasha White’s Dungeon series.


  8. Lee says:

    Steampunk is awesome, medieval mysteries are also fun summer reading!


  9. Here in Massachusetts, school doesn’t start until September. But my nieces down in Tennessee start school this week!! I’m ready for the kids here to go back to school, cuz my nephews are driving me crazy lol.

    I found so many great books this summer & i’m still trying to keep up with them all. I wish I had more hours in my days sometimes & that I didn’t need sleep, cuz then i’d have my tbr list finished lol. 😉

    Take care, & I hope you have a great weekend! =)
    BLeigh1130 at yahoo dot com


  10. Tara Quan says:

    I’ve been re-reading a lot of my old favorites–lots of Julia Quinn and Judith McNaught


  11. I just finished ALTERED by Jennifer Rush. Its been a long time since I couldn’t put a book down, and it was a wonderful surprise to find this was such a book because I got it as a freebie. I’ve got books 2 & 3 on my “want for Christmas’ list.


  12. Mel Bourn says:

    Unfortunately I haven’t been able to read anything, except my grad school stuff. But now I have 2 glorious weeks 🙂 Time to delve into some sizzling stuff! Got lots of news on the hop. Thanks!
    bournmelissa at hotmail dot com


  13. frllarsson says:

    Love steampunk! Bec Mcmasters is great, as well as Meljean Brooks and Delilah S Dawson.
    I´ve just started my Outlander journey =) Late to the party, but I had to see what all the fuss is about. And so far, Jamie´s really yummy with his kilt *swoooon*
    Thanks for the giveaway & Happy Sunday!


  14. Gayle O says:

    I’ve been reading lots of erotic romance – hockey guys, rock star guys, regency historical guys, lots and lots of guys… there are women there but the ones who are enticing are the guys, at least for me and I love what they do to and for their women! Right now reading the Buffalo Intimidators series by Cassandra Carr and just finished the Stephanie Julian’s Shopping for the Billionaire books that are out so far…looking forward to #4…

    I have not really read steampunk and need to experience it soon…I read other’s remarks about it on GoodReads and need to read it myself!


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