AuThursday – Mima

Q: What got you interested/started in writing?


Madlibs. I was 8. It was love.

Q: Have you ever encountered “negative” feed back on your work so far?

Sure. I’ve had a few negative reviews. I’m not a conventional writer, so not everyone is going to get me. The very first negative review I ever read was on the day after my first book released. I was still aglow, so the blood flowed fresh and fast… But my website is my little shrine of pride, and I hoard emails from readers. My most recent reader used lots of exclamation points. Every one was like a hug.

Q: How hard is it to keep love scenes fresh and interesting?

I’ve never had a problem. Sometimes I have an issue with keeping the characters OUT of bed. Sometimes I struggle with getting sex into a book early enough. But the beauty of epub is that I can generally scrap industry convention, with reasonable limits.

Q: To date which of your books was the hardest to write and why?

Honor Within. I had two such isolated and solitary main characters; I really struggled with how to reveal them sympathetically. I must have scrapped at least 50k of false starts. In one of the first attempts, I had the hero, Burke, sobbing in the woods after his first shift to cat, not wolf. Can you imagine meeting the powerful, erotic shifter hero… in tears? Oy vey. I loved that scene. I kept it. It really rang with all the devastation of a young adult discovering their life wasn’t going to go the way they’d imagined. However, not a great way for readers to meet a ferocious hero.

Q:  Which country would you most like to visit and why?  Or if you have visited that county what surprised you?

I worked a second job for 2 years to afford a summer in Scotland. It was my life’s dream, and holds a mythic space in my memory. What was I surprised by? I guess, how sparsely populated it was, and the sense of wildness it had. One would think that after millennia of settlement, it would have felt more countrified. Next on my list is Iceland or Norway.

Q:  Which hero is your favorite and why?

I love Rylan’s constancy, Burke’s darkness, Ty’s heroism, Vyur’s obsession, Dar’s leadership, Shon’s control, Sand’s intelligence, Ruse’s perseverance. They’re all passionate, dominant, devoted. Hmmm. I wonder what husband inspired them?

Q:  As above but the heroine?


My first heroine, KarRa, in Wild Within, holds a special place in my heart. Gosh what I wouldn’t give to be street-smart and kickass and totally competent. In reality, I’m insecure and cry easily. Rather pathetic, actually.

Q: How do you make time to write?


I use birth control. No kids. Quiet life. Wah-lah!


Q:  Can we get an idea of what you’ve got coming up for readers?

I’m writing my sequel to In Service. It’s fogging my glasses. I’m writing the 7th Bonded fantasy, and it’s breaking my heart. I’m fleshing out 2 brand new stories that are so strange I’m not sure what to do with them: one with a really freaking violent and cold hero and another that’s a chick lit urban fantasy.


Q: Where can readers find you on the World Wide Web?

Look within… Make the fantasy real.